Where to start when you want to improve your health
“Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Blogs and social media can be a great source of motivation about health and lifestyle changes. There’s some great information and inspiration out there. However, one of the biggest mistakes I see people make when trying to improve their health and lifestyle is that they just don’t take action from the blogs they read or the inspiration they gain.
Take action and save time
Your time is one of the most important things in your life. How much of it is wasted by reading and absorbing information but not actually ‘doing’ anything with it and taking action?
If you aren't already taking action and doing so consistently, you really need to start now.
Take responsibility
Personal responsibility is essential to improve and control your own health. No one is coming to do it for you! You can blame your problems on others and waste valuable time and energy. You can also get support and ideas from others, books or blogs. But your health is your responsibility and it's up to you to move it forward in the way you want and action is the key.
Feel real satisfaction from experiencing things yourself
Reading this blog, other blogs and gathering interesting information from posts on social media can make you feel good as you are learning so it can feel like you are making progress. But I believe that many people fool themselves into thinking that reading in some way will replace action. Many people think that reading will take care of their problems in a magical pill sort of way. I used to think so. There are no real magic pills of course and we never really understand anything until we experience it for ourselves. If perfectionism shows up for you and stops you getting started, use this awareness and what you have learnt from the past. Being more flexible in this area will be life changing for you and allow you to live a healthier and happier life. Life won’t always be perfect and no one has things altogether all of the time.
Improve your confidence
Creating a habit where you take action every day and do the right thing is not just important to get the results you want. It will also help to raise self-esteem and keep it up. Doing what you know is right and good for you will make you feel really good about yourself, if you don’t then you won’t.
Where to start?
I encourage you to start with ONE of the areas from the 12 steps to better health tool below. We need to do the basics consistently well before aspiring to bigger goals. Give the area you choose your energy for two weeks and form a habit by taking consistent action. Take small steps rather than attempting a massive change or overhaul; all the small steps will add up to make something great.
As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I can help you to achieve your health goals faster than you can alone and help you to make sense of the myriad of health advice out there. If you are ready to leave procrastination behind and start taking action, set up a free health coaching call with me now and we will get you started!