Join Meryl in 2023 for her EAT WELL. RUN WELL. programme
Take your running to the next level
with the support of a likeminded group and an expert Health & Lifestyle Coach, Running Coach and GB athlete.
I saw a huge improvement in my running when I took regular action to improve my nutrition and that’s why I have set up this group health coaching programme for runners. There is the option to just attend the live, interactive Health Coaching calls or you can also work with me as your running coach during the three months. Each week, you will learn nuggets of information which will help you to improve your nutrition but the key part which enables success is the coaching support you get to put the information into action in your life. The group is small (3-4 people maximum) meaning you get lots of time to speak through your goals and create your action plans. We hold each other accountable and you equip yourself with the necessary tools to keep making progress in this area beyond the programme.
This 3 month health and running coaching programme is for you if:
You have some exciting running goals that you want to achieve your very best in
You would benefit from having the accountability of a coach and surrounding yourself with a positive community of likeminded people
You love learning and improving
You want a better work/life balance and to reduce stress
You want to make sense of the myriad of nutrition and running advice out there and learn from an expert in this field
Initial running and health assessment
Two group Health Coaching calls each month
Whats app or email support and access to me throughout
Food diary analysis
Handouts and resources to support your health goals and understanding in running and nutrition
All for just £79 a month!
If there are running coaching spaces available the cost including personalised running training plan is £160 a month.
Let's work together and make 2023 your best year yet!
For more information or to secure your place now email me at with the subject - EAT WELL. RUN WELL.
Registration closes on the 16th of April and the programme will start thereafter.