


6 Month Health & Lifestyle Coaching Programme

Discover the power of small daily changes and regain control of your health and work/life balance with my 6 month coaching programme. You will leave with more knowledge and awareness, and the skills and confidence that will last a lifetime.


Revolutionise your Health

My 6 Month Coaching programme supports you in all areas of your health and wellbeing!

I will help you with your nutrition and home cooking, recurring digestive issues and energy slumps, establishing a consistent exercise routine in your working week and stop you feeling stuck in the most important areas of your life.


Discover the power of small, daily changes

Rather than attempting unsustainable, radical change, the small changes we take will add up and lead to transformation


Make sense of health and nutrition advice

We will go back to basics and take a whole foods approach, whilst focusing on your unique body’s needs


Become the expert of your own health

You will have the knowledge and self-belief that you CAN make the right call when it comes to your health


Learn to love healthy food

Confidently cook with healthy foods in a way that works with your weekly schedule

Or check out my other coaching programmes…


Do you have some exciting running goals that you want to achieve your best in? Do you know that improving your nutrition and lifestyle is the next step for you to raise your performance? Do you want a better work/life balance and to reduce stress?

Connect with a group of likeminded people, learn from an expert in this field and get the accountability you need to move forward with your health & running goals!

3 month programme, £90 a month

Reduced rate available for existing running coaching clients

The coaching programme is tailored to the health and running goals of the group and includes:

• 2 group coaching calls a month

• All resources and handouts for the course

• Whatsapp and email contact with me for the duration of the programme

• Initial health and running assessment plus food diary analysis and feedback

Running Coaching


I can help you to achieve your running goals with my personalised training plans.

As I am sure you know, consistency is key to success and with my coaching skills I can help you to overcome any barriers so you can achieve this.

You have access to me for support during the plan via email or Whatsapp AND you will get assistance with race strategy, kit and nutrition planning.

All my training plans are:

• Unique and personalised to ensure you progress in the best possible way

• Complimented with running specific strength and conditioning

• Sustainable alongside your work and life commitments

• Adapted as many times as required each month

Don’t want a coach but could do with some mentoring support? I now offer mentor calls for 1 hour at £45. Use the contact form to set up a call today!


1-to-1 Coaching

If you want help through a particular phase of your life then I also offer 1 to 1 coaching in individual sessions or a package of sessions.

For example, you may have experienced a recent change in your career or you are contemplating one but are not sure what to do. Perhaps you need some support in creating the work/life balance you need to achieve a sporting ambition, such as running your first 10K or marathon.

Coaching is a brilliant way to get the clarity, awareness and confidence to make important decisions and to also make some key daily habit changes which stick around for good!

1 hour session for £120
Package of 3x sessions for £320



Do you need a motivational speaker for an award night, or perhaps for your school or organisation? I would be delighted to speak! Please get in touch to discuss the topics that you would find most useful.

Here are some example topics from previous talks I have done:

Eat better, learn better, Mental preparation, Growth mindset, Motivation, Self-belief, Goal-setting, Single-tasking in a world of distractions.

“Our pupils felt inspired and motivated as Meryl spoke passionately about all aspects of her training, her positive mindset and overcoming setbacks. We will continue to use our conversation with Meryl as part of our National and Higher learning as it is so relevant, not only to athletes but it sparks the interest of every pupil.” — McClaren High School