6 Month Programme


Revolutionise your health

Are you fed up with yo-yo dieting? Do you need help with your nutrition and home cooking? Are you ready to say goodbye to recurring digestive issues and energy slumps? Do you need some help to establish a consistent exercise routine in your working week? Are you feeling stuck in an important area of your life such as your career or a relationship?

I am proud to say that my clients leave my programme having revolutionised their health in so many ways! They manage to achieve harmony in the important parts of their life, reduce stress and see lasting, positive change in their health.

Supporting you to make a change

Imagine no longer having the regrets or frustrations that linger around when you have lost momentum or go back to square one with your exercise, healthy eating or career goals.

Working with me will give you the support, structure and challenge you need to make changes and get desired new habits to stick. Without this support we tend to just go back to our old patterns and we never have the time to do what we really want to do. 


Discover the power of small, daily changes

Rather than attempting unsustainable, radical change the small changes we take will add up and lead to transformation


Make sense of health and nutrition advice

We will go back to basics and take a whole foods approach, whilst focusing on your unique bodies needs


Become the expert of your own health

You will have the knowledge and self-belief that you CAN make the right call when it comes to your health


Learn to love healthy food

Confidently cook with healthy foods in a way that works with your weekly schedule

Meryl has helped me with my eating habits, showing me what eating right means. The biggest shift I have seen is on my monthly PMS and menstrual pain and cramps. Prior to the programme, I have suffered ever since I have started menstruating with bad terrible pains, mood swings, eating binges. Today I am pain free and able to function fully during these days, after the first two months of my programme. Meryl is someone who takes keen interest in your wellbeing and will always be there when you need help or guidance during the programme.
— Fatima

Tailored to you

The 6 month programme is completely tailored to you and the exact contents will depend on your goals. Some examples of topics we might cover are: a healthy pantry, your bio-individuality, goal setting, foods for healing, overcoming limiting beliefs and meal planning.

A coaching partnership is all about collaboration, respect and an absence of judgement. I will provide a safe space for you to grow and help you to utilise your own resources, unlock your full potential and make helpful mindset shifts - making you unstoppable in the pursuit of your goals!

Do something today that your future self will thank you for

What’s included?

— 2x 1 hour 1:1 coaching calls a month (in person or via Zoom)

— Comprehensive notes and resources emailed to you after each session

— Food diary analysis and feedback

— Homework tasks to do in between sessions

— Access to my weekly group coaching call and contact via email and/or whats app in between sessions

— Additional helpful resources, recommendations and healthy recipes shared with you

You get all this for...

£175 a month when you pay monthly or I offer a 10% discount when paying in full.


Experience the power of coaching in a free introductory call.
